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Not only is pork a great source of protein, but it is lower in fat than other types of meat and it can provide your body with valuable nutrients. Refer to the calorie counter for your favorite pork products to determine the calories and nutritional information.

High Protein Content

Pork is an excellent source of complete proteins - complete proteins are just proteins that contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs. Adequate daily protein intake is important for a number of reasons – it helps to maintain healthy muscles, bones, skin, blood, and hair. Protein is also important in helping your body to manufacture new cells and to repair damaged cells.

Fat Content

Compared to poultry, certain cuts of pork are actually lower in fat content. For example, a 100-gram serving of roasted pork loin chop contains about 8.8 grams of fat while chicken (with the skin) contains about 13.4 grams of fat for an equal-sized serving. Other cuts of pork, however, may be much higher in fat. Bacon, for example, contains about 35 grams of fat per 100-gram serving.
Pork is an excellent source of protein as well as other nutrients which may help you to lose weight and reduce your risk of getting sick. Refer to the calorie calculator for your favorite pork products to determine the calories and nutritional information.

Healthy Weight Loss

Not only is pork high in protein, but it is also lower in fats than red meats. Many healthy studies have shown that an increase in lean protein intake coupled with a decrease in carbohydrate consumption may help you to lose weight. The body utilizes the energy from protein more quickly and efficiently than it does energy from carbs – these calories are more likely to be stored as fat. Thus, if you are trying to lose weight, consider swapping out some of the high-carb foods in your diet for lean cuts of pork.

Zinc for Immune Health

Though pork is more commonly known for its protein content, it also contains valuable vitamins and minerals such as zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that your body needs to support the grown of new cells – this is especially important for children and pregnant women. Additionally, zinc has been shown to help support the immune system. In fact, a zinc deficiency has been shown to actually impair the ability of white blood cells to fish infection. A 3-ounce serving of pork is enough to meet 17% of a man’s and 23% of a women’s daily recommended intake for zinc.