Why did you want to lose weight?
Before I got pregnant, I felt very comfortable in my own skin because it was always important for me to feel good about myself and attractive. After giving birth, I was suddenly 40 lb heavier and, after multiple failed attempts to lose weight, I fell into a rut I couldn't get out of. Regardless of whether you try a low-carb diet, cabbage soup diet or weight-loss shakes, if you don't understand what losing weight is really about, you'll, unfortunately, never have any long-term success.
"Doing something is better than doing nothing! Success has only 2 letters: DO!!!"
I finally had that aha moment at the end of March. Thanks to a book, I completely changed my diet overnight, tracked calories and, thanks to YAZIO and exercise, lost 26 lb. To achieve long-term success, the most important thing is to have a calorie deficit. For this, I had to calculate my basal metabolic rate so that I could understand my body better.
At first, I weighed all of my foods and tracked them with YAZIO. This might sound complicated for some, but you don't have to do this forever. It's worth it to get to know your body and have an understanding of portion sizes right there in front of you. You'd be amazed at how we eat far too much and how it can lead to weight gain. I was soooo shocked to see how many calories certain foods have. For anyone who wants to lose weight long term, I would recommend eating a balanced, healthy diet and taking a closer look at your calories.
What did you want to accomplish on your journey?
Above all, I wanted to live healthily and feel comfortable in my own skin. How I perceive my own body is my greatest asset and, part of that, is to feel attractive and sexy again.How did you reach your goals?
To lose weight successfully, I completely cut out sugar and have been avoiding it ever since. For a time, I switched to a low-carb diet and had to eat fewer carbs overall and focus on healthier carbs. Ultimately, my key to happiness was calorie counting with YAZIO and simply making sure to stay within a calorie deficit.
Kim’s Tips
Intermittent fasting really helped to bring structure to my diet, helped give me better control and helped me stay consistent. I decided to do the 16:8 method, which eliminates breakfast. I ate my first meal at 12:00 in the afternoon and my second meal at 6:00 p.m. Between meals, I drank a lot (water, unsweetened tea, the occasional Coke Zero and coffee), but I never snacked. I limited myself to the two meals and, honestly, it worked well for me. You can get used to almost anything. That's why intermittent fasting became normal for me. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to bring some structure into their diet.
In addition to my nutrition, I exercise 5–6 times per week. At the beginning of my weight-loss journey, I did dance workouts at home, HIIT, TRX, and went jogging and walking. These days, I work out 5–6 times per week in the gym. I don't actually have any cheat days because I'm not missing out on anything.
How did YAZIO help you?
I actually learned about a lot of different foods from YAZIO. More than anything, I've developed a feel for calories and have a lot more fun with cooking and eating. I never want to go without YAZIO again. The app has become like a diary for me and I write in it every day. Plus, it also gives me some control over my body. I just love it!
Did you have setbacks?
I would say that I haven't really had any so-called setbacks, but I've had plateaus in my weight loss, but these could have had various causes. :) I either build too much muscle or I have to play around with my diet a bit. I definitely keep making progress!
What advice do you have for other users?
Keep going no matter what happens! It's worth it to stay focused. Even if you have a day when you consume more calories than you need to, tomorrow is a new day. It doesn't matter how many setbacks we have, it's important not to give up and to fight for your health and your dream body.
What are your future goals?
I would like to lose another 15 lb and tone my body with strength training.
Why do you want to tell your story?
I would like to share my story with others because everyone can do it! You just have to truly believe it. I want to motivate and encourage people to start now.
Don't wait until tomorrow because a brand new, wonderful lifestyle awaits you. Living healthily and doing something for your body is so important. After all, you only have one body to live in.