Why did you want to lose weight?
I've been overweight almost my entire life. I tried losing weight for years but, because I lacked discipline, was never able to sustain the weight loss. I just never had that defining moment. That changed suddenly on New Year's Eve and my weight-loss journey began. I signed up for the gym and completely changed my diet. What can I say? I transformed from a couch potato to a fitness freak.
"Strength doesn't come from winning. You grow with your challenges. If you're met with resistance and you keep going, that's strength."
Since then, I've stayed committed. Even when lockdown made things more difficult, it wasn't a reason to do nothing. Nowadays, I have my own gym at home that I put together. I love to cook and bake again. Losing weight has never been so much fun!
What did you want to accomplish on your journey?
I wanted to finally be at a normal weight, to have normal blood levels, and to be healthy and fit in general.
How did you reach your goals?
I eat a balanced diet, without having to give up anything. I count calories, work out a lot and make sure to get enough exercise. I also do 16:8 intermittent fasting.
Janet’s Tips
How did YAZIO help you?
I definitely have a better understanding of food! Most of the time, we underestimate the nutritional values and calories each food has. Although, only counting calories isn't enough for me. I also stay within my macros. I love YAZIO and will continue to use it, even if I just want to maintain my weight.
Did you have setbacks?
Unfortunately, I also had setbacks. The first lockdown threw me off track a bit, but luckily, I was able to get back on. My weight plateaued for about 3 months and just wouldn't budge. I never gave up, though, and never lost sight of my goal.
What advice do you have for other users?
Don't diet and ban foods. Treating yourself to something sweet or even fast food sometimes isn't bad. You know what they say, "Balance is key". Never eat under your basal metabolic rate! Work out and keep moving, find something that you have fun doing and keep at it. If progress starts to slow down, never give up!
What are your future goals?
My journey isn't over yet. Once I've reached my final goal weight and am happy with myself, I'd like to keep building muscle and toning my body. I would also like to develop my skills professionally and become a nutritionist and licensed trainer.
Why do you want to tell your story?
I want to show others that anything is possible if you give your all. Don't be scared of challenges and stay strong. The path may be rocky and difficult, but it's totally worth it!