Why did you want to lose weight?
Because I wanted to completely transform myself. I was not happy at all, with any part of myself, and when I looked in the mirror, I always ended up looking somewhere else.
What did you want to accomplish on your journey?
First of all, without a doubt, is to become a personal trainer/motivator and help people to significantly improve their situations.
"Today's pain is tomorrow's strength."
I think using my sad story (but with a happy ending) can really help people deal with the future.
How did you reach your goals?
I can't say that I have achieved my goals yet, but I've certainly reached some milestones that I'm very happy with and I'm proud that I've been able to teach myself along the way.
Marco’s Tips
I started my journey by downloading YAZIO and started roughly counting the calories I was consuming. I also used to take 6 to 7 mile-long walks with my dog every day. Then, within two months, my 7-year relationship with my girlfriend came to an end, I lost my job, and my father died of lung cancer. Needless to say, I jumped into a sort of depression with both feet. I had no one around me, except for my mom and my sister.
I started going to the gym just to have some place to let everything out. It ended up becoming my salvation and, to date, I consider it something to live for since it actually saved my life. To stay on the topic of the question, my future goals certainly include becoming a personal trainer, but at the same time, I would like to meet the requirements for participating in a bodybuilding competition (and win it, obviously).
How did YAZIO help you?
YAZIO has been key for the daily management of my diet, macronutrients and calories. It was the calorie counter app that I liked the most among all other competitors, both in terms of interface and usability.
Did you have setbacks?
I've had quite a few, but these are things that happen when you're learning as you go. Certainly, being my own test case has provided me with a lot of experience in managing these types of situations. Now, I'm much more aware of how my body works and I think I've definitely learned how to manage :).
What advice do you have for other users?
The first piece of advice I can give is: Don't choose to start the diet on Monday or next month. The diet starts TODAY and, above all, it has to become a lifestyle.
The second piece of advice I can give is: Always associate any type of physical activity with a proper meal plan to keep your metabolism active and functioning, and for better physical fitness.
The third and last piece of advice I can give you is this: Remember that you are always stronger than all the things that surround you or that happen to you, and as much as it may sound like a cliché, you decide what the future holds. Small, consistent changes for a certain amount of time turn into big ones in the long run!
What are your future goals?
My next step is to graduate as a personal trainer and start doing what I really want to do in life—help other people.
Secondly, as I wrote above, I would also like to prepare as well as possible for a future bodybuilding competition. Although, I'm not in a hurry here. I'm very relaxed about it.
Why do you want to tell your story?
Life stories from other people can always be a source of motivation for those who may be going through the same thing. I've read a lot of them in the last two years and they've really helped me feel like I'm not alone.
I hope my answers were comprehensive enough and thank you for all the support you've offered me through the community and the app.