Jessica’s Success Story

Jessica lost 71 lb with YAZIO
-71 lb

I just felt so uncomfortable in my own skin and wasn't enjoying life anymore. I had tried to lose weight several times, but that final push was always missing.

Jessica, 25
Goal: Lose Weight

267 lb


196 lb


5 ft 7 in


What do you find most difficult about reaching your goal?

Giving up my favorite food

Incorporating exercise into my daily routine

Feeling like I can't indulge anymore

Staying motivated when progress slows

Keeping an eye on my calories and nutrients


Why did you want to lose weight?

I remember the day that I didn't want to look at myself in the mirror anymore. I just felt so uncomfortable in my own skin and wasn't enjoying life anymore. I had tried to lose weight several times, but that final push was always missing.

"Be stronger than your strongest excuse!"

It was around this time that I was at a party and someone took a picture of me. When I looked at this picture, I knew the time had come that I had to change something. Said and done!

What did you want to accomplish on your journey?

I wanted to feel good in my body again and, more than anything, bring positivity to my negative self-image. I wanted to be able to take part in athletic activities again, to eat in front of other people without feeling guilty or worrying they would judge me. I also wanted to be able to buy nice clothes and improve my quality of life.

How did you reach your goals?

I consumed my calculated daily calories and tried to get at least 10,000 steps in every day. As an alternative, I did at least 30 minutes of cardio or a HIIT workout. I also bought myself a smartwatch so I could track myself more accurately.

Jessica’s Tips

Celebrate small accomplishments.
Take pictures to track your progress.
Keep going, even if it's going to be hard.
Get friends and family involved.

Since I work shifts, I tried my best to balance everything and make sure I didn't use it as an excuse anymore.

How did YAZIO help you?

With YAZIO, I was able to get a better overview of my diet. I didn't feel pressured at all. I could track everything precisely and, that way, didn't have to cut out foods. The fantastic recipes also made it easier to decide what I should cook with my remaining calories for the day!

Jessica’s Favorite Recipes

Chunky Monkey Muffins
Chunky Monkey Muffins
Spaghetti with Lentil Meatballs
Spaghetti with Lentil Meatballs
Pancake Cereal with Yogurt
Pancake Cereal with Yogurt
Gyeran Mari (Korean Rolled Omelette)
Gyeran Mari (Korean Rolled Omelette)

Did you have setbacks?

I didn't actually have any setbacks when it came to gaining back weight. From time to time, however, I did struggle with my mindset. There were times I wasn't losing weight as fast as I wanted to or hit a plateau. There were phases when I started to doubt and everything became harder than usual for me.

Jessica lost 71 lb, her success story

What advice do you have for other users?

Let your friends and family be part of your journey. Look for people who support you. Try to integrate a healthy diet and exercise into your everyday life. No matter how hard it is sometimes, it's worth it!

What are your future goals?

I discovered mountain biking and now I want to become more athletic. If I lose a few additional pounds, that would be nice, but that's not my primary goal. Ultimately, I want to tone my body and maintain a healthy diet.

Why do you want to tell your story?

First and foremost, I want to motivate and show others that it can work. Being overweight isn't a disgrace, but it's not something you should have to live with. It's not an easy road, but as soon as you start seeing the first results, you'll feel so much better than you did before. This feeling alone makes it all worth it to get started and keep going.
I'm proud of myself and have learned a lot about myself and how strong I am. I wish everyone else the same experience!

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